....Singapore's Finest Dance and Yoga Studio..新加坡肚皮舞和瑜伽的舞蹈室....
....Join us at any of our Beautiful and convenient Locations across Singapore!..加入我们全岛分店中任何一间....
....Click HERE for instructions on how to register and book classes..请创建一个新帐户(您的旧密码将不允许您登录)。
....Dream Dance and Yoga Studio Locations..我们的地点....
....Clarke Quay..克拉码头....
....Raffles Place..莱佛士....
....About Dream Dance and Yoga..关于我们....
“....I’ve become more graceful, more elegant, more poised, and my posture improved a lot also!..我觉得我变得更加优美,更加优美高雅,更加镇定自信。我的仪态也改善了很多。....”
Teacher Training Courses
200 hours Hatha Vinyasa Teacher Training Course
Training Language: Chinese, English
Duration: 200 hours (30 days)
Total Fees: SGD 3,500
....Our Classes..我们的课程....
....bellydance fitness..肚皮舞进阶班....
....For those interested in learning bellydance and getting in shape at the same time, Dream Dance and Yoga's skilled instructors start from the very beginning and teach Oriental bellydance techniques and original choreography. ..此课程是专门为想要认真学好肚皮舞技巧的学生安排,每节课老师会教2-3个肚皮舞技巧,最新的授课方式 让你易懂易学,细致的动作分解和大量的练习与指导,让你在短时间内掌握跳好肚皮舞不可缺少的一身好舞功!....
....Belly choreo..肚皮舞中级成品舞....
....Learn a fully original Belly Dance choreography designed by a Dream Dance and Yoga instructor! Each movement will be taught in detail and even newcomers will learn to dance with confidence. No prior experience necessary!..此课程是初级成品舞,适合有一点肚皮舞基础的学生同时想要学一只舞码来参加自信心或party表演等,由我们肚皮舞冠军导师亲自授课,课堂中你不仅学会精美的舞蹈 老师也会细致的分解每个动作和步伐,不用担心跟不上,我们分六节课完成一支既好看又简单舞蹈!....
....aerial Yoga..空中瑜伽....
....Aerial Yoga is a modern style of yoga that combines traditional Hatha yoga poses with the use of a low-hanging hammock that supports your full body weight. Release chronic tension and unwind while our experienced instructors guide you through a set of specialized traditional poses. ..加入此课程之前我们的老师会建议学生先上几节普通瑜伽课 是为了提高自身的平衡力和臂力打好基础,再加入空中瑜伽不会感到很吃力,当然如果你对自己的臂力和平衡感很有自信 可以尝试一节课再看老师的建议,空中瑜伽是目前最受欢迎的瑜伽种类之一,在空中感受地球引力的同时 使用瑜伽床它可以帮我们充分拉伸上身和下身的每条筋骨,减轻腰肩的压力,增强臂力和开发软度!....
....Yoga Wheel..瑜珈伦....
....Yoga WHEEL - a new and exciting YOGA class from Dream Dance and Yoga! Wheel Yoga is beneficial for the correction and adjustment of spine alignment, alleviation of chronic backaches, and improving body posture. ..瑜伽轮的好处: 我们习惯看手机,看电脑,所谓的底头族,很容易出现脊骨僵硬或驼背症状,导致颈肩肌肉酸痛甚至失眠。 瑜伽轮能够帮助我们脊椎矫正,可以帮助我们打开肩和胸, 针对胸椎和腰椎忽破身体软性不足的障碍,促进更深的拉伸,舒缓整个后背和颈部肌肉酸痛, 想要天天好梦,首先要有个健康的脊椎!....
....… And Many More!..还有更多!....
....Join the Dream Dance and Yoga Family Today!..马上加入会员!....
....Events and Parties..公司活动和聚会....
....BOOK DREAM DANCERS FOR YOUR PARTY!..马上雇用我们为您的活动增添更多精彩表演....
....Let Dream Dance and Yoga’s beautiful Belly Dancers transform your event into an unforgettable evening!..我们专业的梦之舞团队表演将使您的活动精彩难忘....