belly choreo L2 fiona 8 jan.jpeg

....Belly Choreo Level 2..肚皮舞中级成品舞....

....90 MINUTES | 4 Classes..90分钟4节课....

....starting jan 8 with instructor fiona ..1月8号开课!....

....In the Belly Choreo Level 2 classes, our award-winning and international champion bellydance instructors teach a small class of up to 10 select students a unique, original choreography in a 6-class series that you are free to use at shows or performances! A unique opportunity for experienced dancers to learn from a true professional. ..此课程只限于有肚皮舞基础的学生 至少学习肚皮舞技巧半年以上,由我们国际冠军导师Sophia Meng亲自授课,高级课程的编排非常精细,非常亮眼,适合学生用来参加比赛或各类演出等,一支好的舞码编排会是你的演出更加特别 更加吸引眼球。....